Monday, 4 July 2011

Anonymous griping and rantings about World of Warcraft or whatever is currently squeaking your wheels.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Best Geared Player in World of Warcraft

According to, the best geared WoW player in the world is Rivah and not me.   How disappointing.

Win A Warcraft Hockey Jersey is giving away a WoW hockey jersey.

I love their PlayerScore product, so /claim away!

Raegwyn - Death Knight Solos Two Heroic Bosses

Cata is too hard!!! Wait, it's too easy now...

Raegwyn, a Death Knight has set the bar pretty high, soloing two Heroic bosses in Stonecore.

Patch 4.1 - Zandalari Menace Questline Overview

The questchain spoilers for the new 4.1 dungeons are now up on YouTube.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Mobile Armory Launches

Not long ago, Blizzard launched the mobile auction house, making buying and selling virtual Warcraft goodies much more convenient for individuals with jobs that involve sitting around doing nothing at a computer.

Now they can chat too!  Guild chat capabilities have been added to the mobile app.

Download the free app, chat, auction and drive productivity to an all time low by visiting the official Blizzard site

Dev Watercooler - Critical Hits (and misses)

Greg Street, the lead systems designer for World of Warcraft speaks up on criticals.

‘Dev Watercooler’ is a blog series that provides an inside look into the thoughts and discussions happening within the World of Warcraft development team. In our first entry, Lead Systems Designer Greg "Ghostctrawler" Street laid down a few ground rules:
  1. No promises.
  2. Don’t read too much between the lines.
  3. No whining about the choice of topics we cover.
Critical History Lesson
In the original combat rules of World of Warcraft, melee classes could get 200% crits while casters could only get 150% crits. This was back when all the designers presumably played rogues instead of mages, which according to the forums is what we all play now (which makes our dungeon testing interesting, I gotta tell you.)
Over time, we added talents to allow various casters to get 200% crits as well. Warlocks “could” spend 5 points on the Ruin talent, for example, which you pretty much had to do to be a good warlock. As part of the Cataclysm talent tree evolutions we decided all DPS specs should be able to get 200% crits without investing talent points. There are still some inconsistencies though. Death knights can get 200% crits with both their melee and spell effects, while Assassination rogues get 200% crits with their physical attacks but only 150% crits with their poisons. Healers have always gotten 150% crits, both with their damage-dealing spells and with heals.
The overall design could be described as one that is simple to learn but complex to master. Or put another way, you know most of what you need to know if you’re told that crits do more damage. How much extra damage they do is one of those nuances that more experienced players learn over time and one of the things that makes classes feel different.
Or does it?
You could argue that we’re just keeping old rules that don’t really benefit the game. Is it very interesting that rogue poisons or Enhancement Lightning Bolts don’t have big crits? Does it make you feel different when you pick those classes or specs? Does it feel rewarding when you learn those subtle distinctions? I’d posit perhaps not. Homogenization is something we fight against all the time and one of the primary reasons that we don’t make class A’s ability work just like class B’s ability.
Homogenization -- A Dirty Word
If I can be snarky for a moment, players tend to beat the “homogenization!” drum too emphatically when they are losing something that is overpowered, and like to mock it as “flavor!” when we refuse to give them a cool ability that another class has.
Too much homogenization is a bad thing, no question. But do weird crit rules really fall into that category? There is a difference between being complex (which adds depth) and being complicated (which might just add confusion). We’d rather spend our “complexity points” on things that are really meaningful differences. Pick Assassination because you like daggers or poisons or maybe Rupture, not because you like small crits.
There are balance issues to consider too. Assassination rogues are never going to value crit as much as other characters are as long as some of their crits are smaller. We ran into the same issue with the damage-over-time-based specs when their dots couldn’t crit.
Healers Love Big Numbers Too
It can be an issue for healing as well. In Lich King, critical heals were virtually wasted because much of the time they were going to be overhealing. In Cataclysm, where healer mana matters more and even big heals can’t trivially top someone off, crits are more valuable. But they aren’t valuable enough. Getting 10% haste allows you to get a heal to a target 10% faster. Getting 10% crit allows you to heal a target 5% more. Is it any wonder that crit tends to get devalued for most healers? Resto shaman like it, but look at how many talents they have that make crits better for them. We’re strongly considering just letting all heals crit for double, just like most attacks. We don’t think this would have huge PvE consequences. Healers will heal for a little more, but even if they choose to start stacking crit, they’re going to do that at the expense of Haste, Mastery or Spirit. It could have bigger PvP consequences. Most PvP healers don’t have crit chances beyond say 10% or so, so they aren’t going to crit often.
We’ve been considering whether healing is too strong in PvP anyway. You may have noticed that we made the tooltips for Mortal Strike and equivalent debuffs intentionally vague for 4.1. As I write this, those debuffs are still at 10% healing, but we’re concerned that healing is too hard to counter and we might change that number. Changing it back to 50% would probably lead to the Mortal Strike debuff being mandatory for Arena comps again, but we never got much of a chance to see its effects at say 20%. A 20% Mortal Strike debuff could easily counter any excessive healing caused by 200% crits.
Changes Ahead?
Letting rogues and Enhancement shaman get 200% crits with non-physical damage would be a larger change, and not the kind of thing we would do mid-expansion. But it’s definitely something we’re considering for the future. That would only leave the damage spells cast by healers at the 150% crit range. We think we could make those full 200% crits as well. If we want to make sure the DPS specs still do a lot more damage, we have the knobs to do that. For example, we could buff passives such as Moonfury (the damage bonus for Balance druids) or Shadow Power (the damage bonus for Shadow priests) to make sure their spells still landed a lot harder than the healing specs did, even if the healers got big crits.
If we made all those changes, then any crit in the game would be at 200%. It would be a very simple rule, and I’d argue any loss of class distinction is more than made up for by the positive balance ramifications. As always with this blog series, this is just speculation. You’re more likely to see 200% healing crits sooner, but even that isn’t something we’ve fully embraced yet. It’s just the kind of thing we discuss when hanging out at the bar... er, I mean watercooler.
Greg “Ghostcrawler” Street is the lead systems designer for World of Warcraft. He crits on a 19 or 20.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Shamwow Love Slave

"A young model who worked as a personal assistant for Vince Shlomi--the TV pitchman responsible for the ShamWow and Slap Chop products--alleges that he wanted her to be his “love slave,” and offered to buy her eggs for $20,000 and pay her to sleep in his bed with him, according to a federal lawsuit."

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

No Kate Upton in World of Warcraft

Yesterday after much searching through I found that there were 109 Charlie Sheens in World of Warcraft.

The victim today is Kate Upton, who surprisingly, does not appear to have any presence in World of Warcraft at all!   How disappointing.

Charlie Bit My Finger - Again!

One of only two non-music videos to make the most watched of the decade on YouTube.

This video was viewed over 286 million times.   I'm lost for words.

News With The Most Views

What do processed potatoes, cricket and war have in common?

It's disturbing in an oh my, can this be correct kind of way, but the hottest news stories on the Internet today are:

  • #1 Shane Wayne to Coach India
Removed, because their bloody video would autoplay with no way to change the setting.  Sorry Shane. 

  • #2 -- War Is Over in Ivory Coast
I'm in camoflague, with a bright blue helmet!
How many of you even knew there was a war in Ivory Coast?
Source: Fox News (Even they knew!)

  • #3 --  Pringles Sold for $1.5 Billion
That's a lot of mashed and formed glue, potato and sawdust.

Source: Bizjournals

Monday, 4 April 2011

109 Charlie Sheens in World of Warcraft.

There are 109 characters named Charlie Sheen in World of Warcraft.


Over 9,000!!! World of Warcraft

Biggjack the non-raider hits over 9,000 GearScore.

And here is the screenshot evidence.

What's your score?   The website is

Idiotic WoW Post of the Day

And the winner today is....


Troll or simpleton?  You decide.

Manhattan: 90 Square Foot Apartment - $700/Month

Sure, but what are the cubic feet?

Maybe after the TV spot she can afford 100 feet?

World's Worst Ambulance Driver

EMS - Emergency Massacre Service

Maybe he's just on a make work project?

Friday, 1 April 2011

Gmail Motion - Kinect for Mail

Blizzard wasn't the only company in an April Fool's mood.

Clearing out the inbox. 

Read all about it:

20 Uncomfortable College Basketball Photos

The captions are as good as the photos.

Crotch Jamming

See them all here:

Dexter Ranked Top World of Warcraft Player

Amusing to say the least that a player named "Dexter" is the top ranked player in the world.

More scoreboards here:

StarCraft Returns to Consoles

The Blizzard April Fools were hard at work it seems.

Great stuff.   

World of Warcraft Adds New Dungeon - Tomb of Immortal Darkness

Yep, another good April Fool's joke compliments Blizzard.

Remember that useless lantern in Everquest?  Not so useless here.

Making use of cutting-edge Deep Dark® technology, the Tomb of Immortal Darkness is a new five-player normal and heroic dungeon that will be introduced in patch 4.1.11. Three new bosses, with unique features and mechanics, will put your group to the test: Omgsogoth, Dark Lord of Twilight; the maniacal Twisted Spiral Fool; and Duc Ulah, The Winged Keeper. Featuring new daily quests, updated monster models, and all-new unique loot, you’ll find you really can’t believe your eyes… 
Get the full scoop here:

Crabby the Dungeon Helper Added to World of Warcraft

It's an April Fool's joke, but a good one.

It beats a bouncing paper clip.
Crabby is able to tell you exactly what's going on and what you should do. His many useful tips will appear in the bottom right corner of your screen, where he hangs out, ever patiently, waiting for you to need his help. Of course, whether you follow his advice or not is entirely up to you; Crabby may possess an advanced level of artificial intelligence, but we're reasonably sure he doesn't have any feelings you could hurt. Reasonably sure. But just in case, the ability to remove Crabby has been disabled for now.
Read all about it here:

Thursday, 31 March 2011

The Daily PlayerScore

I love the new /claim feature in PlayerScore.    Taunting my pals is now easier than ever.

How Fast Is Google's Internet?

You thought you had fast broadband at home?

Hottest Geek Girls On the Internet

There is always plenty of good news in the gaming industry.   Here is a great example.  Compliments of UGO.

I always play CoD in my high heels. 

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

PlayerScore Gets Huge Upgrade

The most popular and in my opinion best World of Warcraft addon, just got a huge upgrade.  

You can now prove that characters in World of Warcraft belong to you.   The uses for this are pretty much limitless, but no longer will I need to listen to some pinhead brag about his characters.   Prove it!

You can grab PlayerScore at 

Pong - Taken to Extremes